For some reason, I keep thinking of Chamberlain and Hitler.

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Well said. Sadly, once again it appears US promises apparently mean very little. The Ukraine gave up its 'nukes' on the understanding that the US GB and Russia would guarantee her sovereignty and territorial integrity under The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. Had the Ukraine not given up its nukes, most likely Russia would not have taken Crimea, nor would Ukraine face the threat of war now. China, Iran, North Korea and our allies are watching. After the debacle in Afghanistan. How the current situation is resolved will either give our foes pause, or we will see our friends heading for the exits. The result of which will be a much more dangerous and unstable world. For every action or inaction, there are consequences.

That a sovereign country, and a member of the UN can have parts of its country taken by force, Crimea, and today threatened by invasion, makes a mockery of the international community and its organizations. As the US moves from center stage it is being replaced by those that wish us ill. It appears that we have learned nothing. Appeasement has never worked and perhaps our current administration should be reminded the goal of diplomacy is to end conflict, diplomacy is not a goal, but a tool for ending conflict, that not backed up with force rings hollow.

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