“It never will”

Am Yisroael chai!

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Well said Gregg, and it needed to be said.

Sadly, this has been true since the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple in 586 BC and exiled the Jews to Babylonia. And the Hypocrisy of the nations of the world and many of its peoples continues against the Jews today. The latest event in Gaza illustrates this point by the so called "mainstream media" immediately accepting as fact that Israeli soldiers fired upon and killed some one hundred Gazans (men, women and children) as they stormed needed supply trucks. Now, as the dust settled reports and evidence is showing that Israeli soldiers did not fire on the crowds. ( See, https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1709240166-new-evidence-spokesperson-says-idf-did-not-fire-on-gaza-aid-convoy). I am always amazed at how news from Gaza that only comes from Hamas authorities is presented as fact and when Israel says something it seems it is always questioned or challenged and presented as 'alleged by or according to Israel.' The bombing of the Hospital Gaza is another example where Hamas spokespeople said not only did Israel bomb the hospital, but over 100 people, mostly women and children were killed. And the US and international news outlets ran with it not even saying alleged. Now we know it was actually a misfired Hamas rocket that landed and exploded in the hospital parking lot killing and wounded two dozen Gazans.

Mark Twain was right. And it is still true today over 120 years later, when you would think people would know better. But hatred and prejudice are usually not associated with truth, facts or enlightenment.

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Excellent essay, Greg....with which I accord 100%....Alas..

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