Mistakes happen in war innocents are killed and injured. It is a sad fact of war. Unlike most however Israel immediately admitted its mistake and apologized for its actions and began a formal investigation into what happened. Not so some of the main “allies” heaping condemnations. Lest we forget the US killed an entire wedding party in Iraq including the bride by mistake, and in its “withdrawal” from Afghanistan in response to the bombing that killed 13 American soldiers killed a family of 10 in a drone strike US General Milley called righteous until finally admitting it was a mistake. Not to be left out NATO forces mistakenly killed innocents in Libya and were slow to admit their mistake. As the old saying goes people who live in glass houses… it is sad that the condemnations are not directed at Hamas who hides under and behind women and children and could easily end this by releasing the hostages and surrendering. But it appears we are now more outraged by the tragic and mistaken killing of aid workers than those who created the situation in the first place.

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Excellent piece and too true. Israel lost the public relations battle by Oct 10th…. And with Jose Andres appropriate outrage, the camels back broke.

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