With respect, Greg, the Roe v. Wade decision was not a constitutional precedent, it was a legal/court precedent. The overturning of Roe v. Wade corrected an error by the Court in regard to the Constitution and States Rights as set forth therein. That 'right' should have never been 'given' in the manner in which it was. The Constitution pretty clearly defines what rules, rights, and issues belong to the States to decide. Granted, the overturning is difficult - repugnant even, but it set the course for the States to decide; as should have been done in 1973. There are dozens of Constitutional scholars who hold that view and who defend it as a matter of Constitutional law. I empathize with all who have to deal with this issue yet again. However, I hope that once the mass hysteria dies down, that our Citizens, our States, and our Nation can deal with this critically important issue reasonably and responsibly. This is an issue of law, not emotion.

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Good piece Greg. Your conclusion says more about we the people than the perpetrators.

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