What you are expressing so eloquently is absolutely right on! So scary! I too would love to see your article be posted in as many newspapers as possible. We do have to wake up to this most serious threat! Thanks Greg!

Anita Kreider

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Thank you Greg.

Do you feel as though we’re living in an Orwell or Kafka nightmare?

With Manchin and Sinema sworn to protect the filibuster it’s not at all clear what can be done other than working for millions of new dem voters in ‘22 and ‘24 to register, show up and vote in hopes of picking up House and Senate seats in Washington.

Happy Holidays

Wayne Feinstein




San Mateo, CA 94402



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Greg-this editorial should be featured in newspapers coast to coast. Damn fine writing about a bitter, existential threat to our democracy, brought to us by shameless republicans.

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Excellent piece, Greg. Your prescription - give up something to the Manchin/Sinema etc. "moderates" to get a limited exception to the filibuster - is wise and, I believe, practical. This is an unfortunate reality for progressives (like me) who must conclude that the fundamental issues of voting rights, and democracy itself, are under threat. Thanks.

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Exactly, Greg, ten times exactly. That NYT oped yesterday by Thomas Edsall dissects the political science -- and the horror show -- beyond this creeping overthrow.

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