As always, Greg, a necessary article! If you havent yet read Age of Anger by Pankaj Mishra, do. Great explanation of the constant source of terrorists (going back centuries) and what and who are really the enablers.

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I agree with everything you said except calling them fighters which is a more respectable name than they deserve. A fight is the last thing they want. Mass Murder of innocent noncombatants is not fighting. It is murder. Plain and simple, they are killers, not fighters.

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Thank you Greg. Sadly, it appears that those in

Authority here and abroad have different agendas, as potential threats are ignored or minimized, and it is the innocent who suffer. With the threat of terror around the world today one would, or I submit should, think an open border as we have now is not in our best interest. And perhaps the US and her allies should truly sanction and hold accountable nations that fund and arm terrorist groups. Iran does come to mind, as does Qatar.

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Terrorism is the last resort of the otherwise desparate and powerless. Good remindet

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